SemanticKraus Project Ontologysk_model


  • SemanticKraus Project Ontology

  • sk_model


Bernhard Oberreither

Version Info

BETA 202304

        This is the project ontology for SemanticKraus - Connecting Kraus Scholarship to the Linked Data Cloud. 
        It consists entirely of re-used classes and properties from other ontologies.
        Most notably: 
        FRBRoo 2.4
        CIDOC crm 7.1.2 (URIs always resolve to the current version)
        INTRO beta202304
        Modeling of periodicals very much influenced by PRESSoo


INT16 Segment c


This class comprises expressions (e.g. texts represented as F22 Self-contained Expressions) or parts thereof as they are represented in F24 Publication Expressions. INT16 Segments can be located inside the F24 Publication Expression or their physical carriers by means of page numbers etc. and are thus identifiable (and citable). They are not identical to/subclasses of F24 Publication Expressions, since they only make a part of it (whereas the F24 definition means the "overall content" of a publication); they are not identical to F22 Self Contained Expressions, since they have distinct bibliographical metadata and are not necessarily 'complete' in any sense; they are not identical to F23 Expression Fragments, because they are not seperated from their original context. The INT16 Segment can be linked to a F22 Self-contained Expression or a INT1 Text passage through CIDOC-CRMs "P165 incorporates". It can be linked to a physical carrier through "P128 is carried by".

Sub Class Of Information Object
In Domain Of
In Range Of

INT1 TextPassage c

        The "INT1 TextPassage" is a means of modelling an identifiable part of an E73 Information Object or its subclasses – without that part being removed from its source Information Object. (In contrast, FRBRoo's 'Expression Fragment' is by definition a result of an accidental or deliberate isolation separating the fragment from its source text.)

        The words 'Abandon all hope ye who enter here' from page 3 of the publication identified by the ISBN 978-0307278630.
        The first four lines of Rilke's poem "Archaischer Torso Apollos"
        The last item on a shopping list.
Sub Class Of Expression
In Domain Of intro:R10_is_Text_Passage_of op
In Range Of intro:R10_has_Text_Passage op

INT3 Intertextual Relationship c


This class is meant for the abstract notion of an intertextual relationship as it is identified by a reader (and is not to be confused with the rhetorical entity 'quotation'). Every INT3 Intertextual Relationship has at least 2 related entities, which are texts (on any ontological level) or INT2 Actualizations of Features. An INT3 Intertextual Relationship is possibly identified in an interpretative.

Sub Class Of Conceptual Object
In Domain Of
In Range Of

INT2 Actualization of Feature c


The fact that a certain text shows - in its own specific way - a certain feature (which itself is an abstract concept and takes form in many texts), e.g. a motif, an atmosphere, a theme, a figure of speech. Examples: - the specific actualization of the motif of patricide in Sophokles' 'Ödipus Rex'. - the specific actualization of the Faust-subject in Goethe's 'Faust'. - the specific actualization of the iambic pentameter in Rilke's 'Archaischer Torso Apollos".

Sub Class Of Conceptual Object
In Domain Of
In Range Of

INT18 Reference c


This class comprises mentions of – usually: real – identifiable objects of any kind. It's use is not restricted to, but makes the most sense in non-fictional texts.

Sub Class Of

INT9 Semantic Feature c


This class comprises every semantic aspect of a text: from the common notions of 'plot' or 'character' up to the specific classification of forms such as 'situational motif'. (Subclasses are still object to further refinement and addition; to indicate their provisional status they are not numbered.)

Sub Class Of INT4 Receptional Entity c
Super Class Of INT18 Reference c

INT4 Receptional Entity c


This class comprises features that 'are in' or 'can be found in' or 'can be read out of' a text, apart from the wording itself. INT2 Actualizations of these features are the results of a mental process that is applied to a text and that made out distinct abstract concepts which are themselves seperate from the text and take a specific, yet identifiable form in the text. This class therefore has an extremely wide scope, its subclasses are open to additions and are to be populated from relevant reference works (e.g. the subclass 'Rhetorical Entity' could contain concepts based on Lausberg's 'Handbook of Literary Rhetoric', many lemmata from the 'Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms' could populate the subclass "Formal Entity" and so on). It is highly likely (and welcome) that the instances of subclasses or sub-subclasses of the class 'receptional Entity' are instances or sub-subclasses of more than one subclass (e.g. that a rhetorical entity is at the same time a semantic entity as in the case of an 'argument' or 'narrator').

Sub Class Of Conceptual Object
In Domain Of intro:R17_feature_actualized_in op
In Range Of intro:R17_actualizes_feature op
Super Class Of INT9 Semantic Feature c


created p


This property associates the expression that was first externalised during a particular creation event with that particular creation event.

Domain Expression Creation
Range Expression

was created by p

Domain Expression
Range Expression Creation

carried out bywurde ausgeführt vonπραγματοποιήθηκε απόréalisée parrealizada porвыполнялся执行者是 p


This property describes the active participation of an instance of E39 Actor in an instance of E7 Activity. It implies causal or legal responsibility. The P14.1 in the role of property of the property specifies the nature of an Actor’s participation.

Sub Property Of had participant p
Domain Activity
Range Actor

performedführte ausπραγματοποίησεa exécutéexecutouвыполнял执行 p

Sub Property Of participated in p
Domain Actor
Range Activity

created p


This property associates the instance of F24 Publication Expression that was created during a particular F30 Publication Event with that F30 Publication Event.

Domain Publication Event
Range Publication Expression

was created through p

Domain Publication Expression
Range Publication Event

incorporates p


This property associates an instance of E73 Information Object with an instance of E90 Symbolic Object (or any of its subclasses) that was included in it. This property makes it possible to recognise the autonomous status of the incorporated signs, which were created in a distinct context, and can be incorporated in many instances of E73 Information Object, and to highlight the difference between structural and accidental whole-part relationships between conceptual entities. It accounts for many cultural facts that are quite frequent and significant: the inclusion of a poem in an anthology, the re-use of an operatic aria in a new opera, the use of a reproduction of a painting for a book cover or a CD booklet, the integration of textual quotations, the presence of lyrics in a song that sets those lyrics to music, the presence of the text of a play in a movie based on that play, etc. In particular, this property allows for modelling relationships of different levels of symbolic specificity, such as the natural language words making up a particular text, the characters making up the words and punctuation, the choice of fonts and page layout for the characters. When restricted to information objects, that is, seen as a property with E73 Information Object as domain and range the property is transitive. A digital photograph of a manuscript page incorporates the text of a manuscript page, if the respective text is defined as a sequence of symbols of a particular type, such as Latin characters, and the resolution and quality of the digital image is sufficient to resolve these symbols so they are readable on the digital image. This property is asymmetric.

Sub Property Of is composed of p
Domain Information Object
Range Symbolic Object

is incorporated in p

Sub Property Of forms part of p
Domain Symbolic Object
Range Information Object

has time-spanhat Zeitspanneβρισκόταν σε εξέλιξηa pour duréetem período de tempoимеет временной отрезок发生时段是 p


This property associates an instance of E2 Temporal Entity with the instance of E52 Time-Span during which it was on-going. The associated instance of E52 Time-Span is understood as the real time-span during which the phenomena making up the temporal entity instance were active. More than one instance of E2 Temporal Entity may share a common instance of E52 Time-Span only if they come into being and end being due to identical declarations or events.

Domain Temporal Entity
Range Time-Span

is time-span ofist Zeitspanne vonείναι χρονικό διάστημα του/τηςest la durée deé o período de tempo deявляется временным отрезком для是时段 p

Domain Time-Span
Range Temporal Entity

begin of the beginAnfang des Anfangsαρχή της αρχήςdébut du débutcomeçar do inícioначать с начала p

Sub Property Of at some time within p
Domain Time-Span
Range Literal

end of the endEnde vom Endeτέλος του τέλουςfin de la finfim do fimконец конец p

Sub Property Of at some time within p
Domain Time-Span
Range Literal

included performed version of p


This property associates an instance of F31 Performance with a product of the mind that was performed in the course of that instance of F31 Performance. According to the level of knowledge available about the performance, the range of this property can actually be specialised as either an instance of F1 Work (if nothing is known as to which specific expression of the work was performed), or of F2 Expression (if there is a reasonable amount of certainty as to which specific expression—e.g., a well identified translation of a play—of the work was performed). In addition to being a subproperty of P16 used specific object (was used for), this property also is a shortcut of the fully developed path that goes from F31 Performance to F1 Work through: R25 performed F25 Performance Plan P165 incorporates F22 Self-Contained Expression R3i realises. In this fully developed path, the specific instance of F22 Self-Contained Expression can be precisely identified and described for its own sake, or it can just be known to have necessarily existed.

Domain Performance
Range Propositional Object

had a performed version through p

Domain Propositional Object
Range Performance

has typehat den Typusέχει τύποest de typeé do tipoимеет тип有类型 p


This property allows sub typing of CIDOC CRM entities –a form of specialisation – through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus. The CIDOC CRM is intended to focus on the high-level entities and relationships needed to describe data structures. Consequently, it does not specialise entities any further than is required for this immediate purpose. However, entities in the isA hierarchy of the CIDOC CRM may by specialised into any number of sub entities, which can be defined in the E55 Type hierarchy. E41 Appellation, for example, may be specialised into “e-mail address”, “telephone number”, “post office box”, “URL” etc. none of which figures explicitly in the CIDOC CRM hierarchy. A comprehensive explanation about refining CIDOC CRM concepts by E55 Type is given in the section “About Types” in the section on “Specific Modelling Constructs” of this document. This property is a shortcut for the path from E1 CRM Entity through P41i was classified by, E17 Type Assignment, P42 assigned to E55 Type.

Domain CRM Entity
Range Type

is type ofist Typus vonείναι ο τύπος του/τηςest le type deé o tipo deявляется типом для是类型 p

Domain Type
Range CRM Entity

has broader termhat den Oberbegriffέχει ευρύτερο όροa pour terme génériquetem termo genéricoимеет вышестоящий термин上位词 p


This property associates an instance of E55 Type with another instance of E55 Type that has a broader meaning. It allows instances of E55 Types to be organised into hierarchies. This is the sense of "broader term generic (BTG)" as defined in ISO 25964-2:2013 (International Organization for Standardization 2013). This property is transitive. This property is asymmetric.

Domain Type
Range Type

has narrower termhat den Unterbegriffέχει στενότερο όροa pour terme spécifiquetem termo específicoимеет нижестоящий термин下位词 p

Domain Type
Range Type

took place atfand statt inέλαβε χώρα σεa eu lieu dansocorreu emсовершался на发生地在 p


This property describes the spatial location of an instance of E4 Period. The related instance of E53 Place should be seen as a wider approximation of the geometric area within which the phenomena that characterise the period in question occurred, see below. P7 took place at (witnessed) does not convey any meaning other than spatial positioning (frequently on the surface of the earth). For example, the period “Révolution française” can be said to have taken place in “France in 1789”; the “Victorian” period may be said to have taken place in “Britain from 1837-1901” and its colonies, as well as other parts of Europe and North America. An instance of E4 Period can take place at multiple non-contiguous, non-overlapping locations. This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from E4 Period through P161 has spatial projection, E53 Place, P89 falls within to E53 Place. E4 Period is a subclass of E92 Spacetime Volume. By the definition of P161 has spatial projection an instance of E4 Period takes place on all its spatial projections, that is, instances of E53 Place. Something happening at a given place can also be considered to happen at a larger place containing the first. For example, the assault on the Bastille 14-th July 1789 took place in the area covered by Paris in 1789 but also in the area covered by France in 1789.

Sub Property Of has spatial projection p
Domain Period
Range Place

witnessedbezeugteυπήρξε τόπος τουa été témoin detestemunhouбыл местом совершения发生过 p

Sub Property Of is spatial projection of p
Domain Place
Range Period

has titleträgt den Titelέχει τίτλοa pour titretem títuloимеет заголовок有题名 p


This property associates an instance of E35 Title has been applied to an instance of E71 Human-Made Thing. The P102.1 has type property of the P102 has title (is title of) property enables the relationship between the title and the thing to be further clarified, for example, if the title was a given title, a supplied title etc. It allows any human-made material or immaterial thing to be given a title. It is possible to imagine a title being created without a specific object in mind.

Sub Property Of is identified by p
Domain Human-Made Thing
Range Title

is title ofist der Titel vonείναι τίτλος του/τηςest le titre deé título deявляется заголовком для题名是 p

Sub Property Of identifies p
Domain Title
Range Human-Made Thing

carriesträgtφέρειest le support deé o suporte deнесет承载 p


This property identifies an instance E90 Symbolic Object carried by an instance of E18 Physical Thing. Since an instance of E90 Symbolic Object is defined as an immaterial idealization over potentially multiple carriers, any individual realization on a particular physical carrier may be defective, due to deterioration or shortcomings in the process of creating the realization compared to the intended ideal. As long as such defects do not substantially affect the complete recognition of the respective symbolic object, it is still regarded as carrying an instance of this E90 Symbolic Object. If these defects are of scholarly interest, the particular realization can be modelled as an instance of E25 Human-Made Feature. Note, that any instance of E90 Symbolic Object incorporated (P165) in the carried symbolic object is also carried by the same instance of E18 Physical Thing.

Sub Property Of shows features of p
Domain crm:E18_Physical_Thing
Range Symbolic Object

is carried bywird getragen vonφέρεται απόa pour supporté suportado porпереносится посредством被承载 p

Sub Property Of features are also found on p
Domain Symbolic Object
Range crm:E18_Physical_Thing

has createdhat erschaffenδημιούργησεa créécriouсоздал已创建了 p


This property links an instance of E65 Creation to the instance of E28 Conceptual Object created by it. It represents the act of conceiving the intellectual content of the instance of E28 Conceptual Object. It does not represent the act of creating the first physical carrier of the instance of E28 Conceptual Object. As an example, this is the composition of a poem, not its commitment to paper.

Sub Property Of создал p
Domain Creation
Range Conceptual Object

was created bywurde erschaffen durchδημιουργήθηκε απόa été créé parfoi criado porбыл создан посредством被创建 p

Sub Property Of был создан посредством p
Domain Conceptual Object
Range Creation

used specific objectbenutzte das bestimmte Objektχρησιμοποίησε αντικείμενοa utilisé l'objet spécifiqueusou objeto específicoиспользовал особый объект使用特定对象 p


This property describes the use of material or immaterial things in a way essential to the performance or the outcome of an instance of E7 Activity. This property typically applies to tools, instruments, moulds, raw materials and items embedded in a product. It implies that the presence of the object in question was a necessary condition for the action. For example, the activity of writing this text required the use of a computer. An immaterial thing can be used if at least one of its carriers is present. For example, the software tools on a computer. Another example is the use of a particular name by a particular group of people over some span to identify a thing, such as a settlement. In this case, the physical carriers of this name are at least the people understanding its use.

Sub Property Of
Domain Activity
Range Thing

was used forwurde benutzt fürχρησιμοποιήθηκε γιαa été utilisé pourfoi usado porбыл использован для用于 p

Sub Property Of
Domain Thing
Range Activity

has component p


This property associates an F2 Expression X with a structural component Y that conveys in itself the complete concept of a work that is member of (R10) the overall work realized by X. It does not cover the relationship that exists between pre-existing expressions that are re-used in a new, larger expression and that new, larger expression. Such a relationship is modelled by P165 incorporates.

Domain Expression
Range Self-Contained Expression

is component of p

Domain Self-Contained Expression
Range Expression

pageStart p

        The page on which the work starts; for example "135" or "xiii".

pageEnd p

        The page on which the work ends; for example "138" or "xvi".

is identified bywird bezeichnet alsαναγνωρίζεται ωςest identifiée paré identificado porидентифицируется посредством被标识为 p


This property describes the naming or identification of any real-world item by a name or any other identifier. This property is intended for identifiers in general use, which form part of the world the model intends to describe, and not merely for internal database identifiers which are specific to a technical system, unless these latter also have a more general use outside the technical context. This property includes in particular identification by mathematical expressions such as coordinate systems used for the identification of instances of E53 Place. The property does not reveal anything about when, where and by whom this identifier was used. A more detailed representation can be made using the fully developed (i.e., indirect) path through E15 Identifier Assignment. This property is a shortcut for the path from E1 CRM Entity through P140i was attributed by, E15 Identifier Assignment, P37 assigned to E42 Identifier. It is also a shortcut for the path from E1 CRM Entity through P1 is identified by, E41 Appellation, P139 has alternative form to E41 Appellation.

Super Property Of has title p
Domain CRM Entity
Range crm:E41_Appellation

identifiesbezeichnetείναι αναγνωριστικόidentifieidentificaидентифицирует标识 p

Super Property Of is title of p
Domain crm:E41_Appellation
Range CRM Entity

is composed ofist zusammengesetzt ausαποτελείται απόest composé deé composto deсоставлен из组成成分是 p


This property associates an instance of E90 Symbolic Object with a part of it that is by itself an instance of E90 Symbolic Object, such as fragments of texts or clippings from an image. This property is transitive asymmetric.

Super Property Of incorporates p
Domain Symbolic Object
Range Symbolic Object

forms part ofbildet Teil vonαποτελεί μέρος του/τηςfait partie defaz parte deформирует часть构成部分 p

Super Property Of is incorporated in p
Domain Symbolic Object
Range Symbolic Object

value p

Is Defined By The RDF Concepts Vocabulary (RDF)

Idiomatic property used for structured values.

Domain Resource
Range Resource

place is defined by p


This property associates an instance of E53 Place with an instance of E94 Space Primitive that defines it. Syntactic variants or use of different scripts may result in multiple instances of E94 Space Primitive defining exactly the same place. Transformations between different reference systems always result in new definitions of places approximating each other and not in alternative definitions.

Domain Place
Range Literal

occurred in the presence offand statt im Beisein vonσυνέβη παρουσία του/τηςest arrivé en présence deocorreu na presença deпоявился в присутствии已出现 p


This property describes the active or passive presence of an E77 Persistent Item in an instance of E5 Event without implying any specific role. It documents known events in which an instance of E77 Persistent Item was present during the course of its life or history. For example, an object may be the desk, now in a museum, on which a treaty was signed. The instance of E53 Place and the instance of E52 Time-Span where and when these events happened provide us with constraints about the presence of the related instance E77 Persistent Item in the past. Instances of E90 Symbolic Object, in particular information objects, are physically present in events via at least one of the instances of E18 Physical Thing carrying them. Note, that the human mind can be such a carrier. A precondition for a transfer of information to a person or another new physical carrier is the presence of the respective information object and this person or physical thing in one event.

Super Property Of
Domain Event
Range Persistent Item

was present atwar anwesend beiήταν παρών/παρούσα/παρόν σεétait présent àestava presente noприсутствовал при出现在 p

Super Property Of
Domain Persistent Item
Range Event

refers toverweist aufαναφέρεται σεfait référence àreferenciaссылается на涉及 p


This property documents that an instance of E89 Propositional Object makes a statement about an instance of E1 CRM Entity. P67 refers to (is referred to by) has the P67.1 has type link to an instance of E55 Type. This is intended to allow a more detailed description of the type of reference. This differs from P129 is about (is subject of), which describes the primary subject or subjects of the instance of E89 Propositional Object.

Domain Propositional Object
Range CRM Entity

is referred to bywird angeführt vonαναφέρεται απόest référencé paré referenciado porимеет ссылку на себя от被涉及 p

Domain CRM Entity
Range Propositional Object

sameAs p

Is Defined By owl:

The property that determines that two given individuals are equal.

Domain Thing c
Range Thing c

brought into lifebrachte zur Weltέφερε στη ζωήa donné vie àtrouxe à vidaпородил诞生了 p


This property links an instance of E67 Birth event to an instance of E21 Person in the role of offspring. Twins, triplets etc. are brought into life by the same instance of E67 Birth. This is not intended for use with general Natural History material, only people. There is no explicit method for modelling conception and gestation except by using extensions.

Sub Property Of создал p
Domain Birth
Range Person

was bornwurde geboren durchγεννήθηκεest néveio à vida peloбыл рожден被诞生 p

Sub Property Of был создан посредством p
Domain Person
Range Birth

was death ofTod vonήταν θάνατος του/τηςa été la mort defoi a morte paraбыл смертью для死亡的是 p


This property links an instance of E69 Death to the instance of E21 Person that died. An instance of E69 Death may involve multiple people, for example in the case of a battle or disaster. This is not intended for use with general natural history material, only people.

Sub Property Of took out of existence p
Domain Death
Range Person

died instarb inπέθανε σεest mort parmorreu emумер в死于 p

Sub Property Of was taken out of existence by p
Domain Person
Range Death

had participanthatte Teilnehmerείχε συμμέτοχοa eu pour participanttem participanteимел участника有参与者 p


This property describes the active or passive participation of instances of E39 Actors in an instance of E5 Event. It documents known events in which an instance of E39 Actor has participated during the course of that actor’s life or history. The instances of E53 Place and E52 Time-Span where and when these events happened provide us with constraints about the presence of the related instances of E39 Actor in the past. Collective actors, i.e., instances of E74 Group, may physically participate in events via their representing instances of E21 Persons only. The participation of multiple actors in an event is most likely an indication of their acquaintance and interaction. The property implies that the actor was involved in the event but does not imply any causal relationship. For instance, someone having been portrayed can be said to have participated in the creation of the portrait.

Sub Property Of occurred in the presence of p
Super Property Of
Domain Event
Range Actor

participated innahm Teil anσυμμετείχε σεa participé àparticipa emучаствовал в参与 p

Sub Property Of was present at p
Super Property Of
Domain Actor
Range Event

inLanguage p

        The language of the content or performance or used in an action. Please use one of the language codes from the [IETF BCP 47 standard]( See also [[availableLanguage]].

falls withinfällt inεμπίπτειs’insère dans le cours deestá contido emнаходится в пределах属于 p


This property associates an instance of E92 Spacetime Volume with another instance of E92 Spacetime Volume that falls within the latter. In other words, all points in the former are also points in the latter. This property is transitive and reflexive.

Sub Property Of spatiotemporally overlaps with p
Domain crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume
Range crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume

containsenthältπεριλαμβάνειcontientcontémсодержит包含 p

Sub Property Of spatiotemporally overlaps with p
Domain crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume
Range crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume

加入joinedverband p


This property identifies the instance of E39 Actor that becomes member of an instance of E74 Group in an instance of E85 Joining. Joining events allow for describing actors becoming members of a group with the more detailed path E74 Group, P144i gained member by, E85 Joining, P143 joined, E39 Actor, compared to the shortcut offered by P107 has current or former member (is current or former member of).

Sub Property Of had participant p
Domain Joining
Range Actor

was joined bywurde verbunden durch被加入 p

Sub Property Of participated in p
Domain Actor
Range Joining

加入joined withverband mit p


This property identifies the instance of E74 Group of which an instance of E39 Actor becomes a member through an instance of E85 Joining. Although a joining activity normally concerns only one instance of E74 Group, it is possible to imagine circumstances under which becoming member of one Group implies becoming member of another Group as well. Joining events allow for describing people becoming members of a group with a more detailed path from E74 Group through, P144i gained member by, E85 Joining, P143 joined, E39 Actor, compared to the shortcut offered by P107 has current or former member (is current or former member of). The property P144.1 kind of member can be used to specify the type of membership or the role the member has in the group.

Sub Property Of had participant p
Domain Joining
Range Group

gained member byerwarb Mitglied durch获得成员 p

Sub Property Of participated in p
Domain Group
Range Joining

离开separatedentließ p


This property identifies the instance of E39 Actor that leaves an instance of E74 Group through an instance of E86 Leaving.

Sub Property Of had participant p
Domain Leaving
Range Actor

left bywurde entlassen durch留下 p

Sub Property Of participated in p
Domain Actor
Range Leaving

separated fromentließ von脱离 p


This property identifies the instance of E74 Group an instance of E39 Actor leaves through an instance of E86 Leaving. Although a leaving activity normally concerns only one instance of E74 Group, it is possible to imagine circumstances under which leaving one E74 Group implies leaving another E74 Group as well.

Sub Property Of had participant p
Domain Leaving
Range Group

lost member byverlor Mitglied durch失去成员 p

Sub Property Of participated in p
Domain Group
Range Leaving

assigned attribute towies Merkmal zuαπέδωσε ιδιότητα σεa affecté un attribut àatribuiu atributo paraприсвоил атрибут для分配属性于 p


This property associates an instance of E13 Attribute Assignment with the instance of E1 CRM Entity about which it made an attribution. The instance of E1 CRM Entity plays the role of the domain of the attribution. The kind of attribution made should be documented using P177 assigned property of type (is type of property assigned).

Domain Attribute Assignment
Range CRM Entity

was attributed bybekam Merkmal zugewiesen durchχαρακτηρίστηκε απόa reçu un attribut parfoi atribuído porполучил атрибут посредством接受属性 p

Domain CRM Entity
Range Attribute Assignment

Bibliographic Citation p

Is Defined By DCMI Metadata Terms
  •         Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible.
  • A bibliographic reference for the resource.

Sub Property Of
Range Literal

at some time withinirgendwann innerhalb vonκάποτε εντόςcouvre au plusabrange no máximoнекоторое время в течение最长范围是 p


This property describes the maximum period of time within which an E52 Time-Span falls. Since Time-Spans may not have precisely known temporal extents, the CIDOC CRM supports statements about the minimum and maximum temporal extents of Time-Spans. This property allows a Time-Span’s maximum temporal extent (i.e., its outer boundary) to be assigned an E61 Time Primitive value. Time Primitives are treated by the CIDOC CRM as application or system specific date intervals, and are not further analysed. If different sources of evidence justify different maximum extents without contradicting each other, the resulting intersection of all these extents will be the best estimate. This should be taken into account for information integration.

Super Property Of
Domain Time-Span
Range Literal

has spatial projection p


This property associates an instance of an instance of E92 Spacetime Volume with an instance of E53 Place that is the result of the spatial projection of the instance of the E92 Spacetime Volume on a reference space. In general, there can be more than one useful reference space (for reference space see P156 occupies and P157 is at rest relative to) to describe the spatial projection of a spacetime volume, for example, in describing a sea battle, the difference between the battle ship and the seafloor as reference spaces. Thus, it can be seen that the projection is not unique. The spatial projection is the actual spatial coverage of a spacetime volume, which normally has fuzzy boundaries except for instances of E92 Spacetime Volumes which are geometrically defined in the same reference system as the range of this property are an exception to this and do not have fuzzy boundaries. Modelling explicitly fuzzy spatial projections serves therefore as a common topological reference of different spatial approximations rather than absolute geometric determination, for instance for relating outer or inner spatial boundaries for the respective spacetime volumes. In case the domain of an instance of P161 has spatial projection is an instance of E4 Period, the spatial projection describes all areas that period was ever present at, for instance, the Roman Empire. This property is part of the fully developed path from E18 Physical Thing through P196 defines, E92 Spacetime Volume, P161 has spatial projection to E53 Place, which in turn is implied by P156 occupies (is occupied by). This property is part of the fully developed path from E4 Period through P161 has spatial projection, E53 Place, P89 falls within (contains) to E53 Place, which in turn is shortcut by P7 took place at (witnessed).

Super Property Of took place at p
Domain crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume
Range Place

is spatial projection of p

Super Property Of witnessed p
Domain Place
Range crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume

shows features ofzeigt Merkmale vonπαρουσιάζει χαρακτηριστικά του/τηςprésente des caractéristiques deapresenta características deдемонстрирует признаки显示特征 p


This property generalises the notions of "copy of" and "similar to" into a directed relationship, where the domain expresses the derivative or influenced item and the range the source or influencing item, if such a direction can be established. The property can also be used to express similarity in cases that can be stated between two objects only, without historical knowledge about its reasons. The property expresses a symmetric relationship in case no direction of influence can be established either from evidence on the item itself or from historical knowledge. This holds in particular for siblings of a derivation process from a common source or non-causal cultural parallels, such as some weaving patterns. The P130.1 kind of similarity property of the P130 shows features of (features are also found on) property enables the relationship between the domain and the range to be further clarified, in the sense from domain to range, if applicable. For example, it may be expressed if both items are product “of the same mould”, or if two texts “contain identical paragraphs”. If the reason for similarity is a sort of derivation process, i.e., that the creator has used or had in mind the form of a particular thing during the creation or production, this process should be explicitly modelled. In these cases, P130 shows features of can be regarded as a shortcut of such a process. However, the current model does not contain any path specific enough to infer this property. Specializations of the CIDOC CRM may however be more explicit, for instance describing the use of moulds etc. This property is not transitive. This property is irreflexive.

Super Property Of carries p
Domain Thing
Range Thing

features are also found onMerkmale auch aufχαρακτηριστικά του βρίσκονται επίσης σεa des caractéristiques se trouvant aussi surcaracterísticas são também encontradas emпризнаки также найдены на发现特征 p

Super Property Of is carried by p
Domain Thing
Range Thing

создалbrought into existencebrachte in Existenzγέννησεa fait existertrouxe à existência导致存在的是 p


This property links an instance of E63 Beginning of Existence to the instance of E77 Persistent Item brought into existence by it. It allows a “start” to be attached to any instance of E77 Persistent Item being documented, i.e., as instances of E70 Thing, E72 Legal Object, E39 Actor, E41 Appellation and E55 Type.

Sub Property Of occurred in the presence of p
Super Property Of
Domain Beginning of Existence
Range Persistent Item

был создан посредствомwas brought into existence bywurde in Existenz gebracht durchγεννήθηκε απόa commencé à exister du fait depassou a existir por使导致存在 p

Sub Property Of was present at p
Super Property Of
Domain Persistent Item
Range Beginning of Existence

took out of existencebeendete die Existenz vonαναίρεσεa fait cesser d’existercessou a existência deположил конец существованию结束存在的是 p


This property links an instance of E64 End of Existence to the instance of E77 Persistent Item taken out of existence by it. In the case of immaterial things, the instance of E64 End of Existence is considered to take place with the destruction of the last physical carrier. This allows an “end” to be attached to any instance of E77 Persistent Item being documented i.e., instances of E70 Thing, E72 Legal Object, E39 Actor, E41 Appellation and E55 Type. For many instances of E77 Persistent Item we know the maximum life-span and can infer that they must have ended to exist. We assume in that case an instance of E64 End of Existence, which may be as unnoticeable as forgetting the secret knowledge by the last representative of some indigenous nation.

Sub Property Of occurred in the presence of p
Super Property Of was death of p
Domain End of Existence
Range Persistent Item

was taken out of existence bywurde seiner Existenz beraubt durchαναιρέθηκε απόa cessé d’exister du fait dedeixou de existirпрекратил существование посредством被结束存在 p

Sub Property Of was present at p
Super Property Of died in p
Domain Persistent Item
Range End of Existence

spatiotemporally overlaps with p


This symmetric property associates two instances of E92 Spacetime Volume that have some of their extents in common. If only the fuzzy boundaries of the instances of E92 Spacetime Volume overlap, this property cannot be determined from observation alone and therefore should not be applied. However, there may be other forms of justification that the two instances of E92 Spacetime Volume must have some of their extents in common regardless of where and when precisely. If this property holds for two instances of E92 Spacetime Volume then it cannot be the case that P133 is spatiotemporally separated from also holds for the same two instances. Furthermore, there are cases where neither P132 spatiotemporally overlaps with nor P133 is spatiotemporally separated from holds between two instances of E92 Spacetime Volume. This would occur where only an overlap of the fuzzy boundaries of the two instances of E92 Spacetime Volume occurs and no other evidence is available. This property is not transitive. This property is symmetric. This property is reflexive.

Super Property Of
Domain crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume
Range crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume

Object Properties

R16_Incorporates op

Domain INT16 Segment c
Range Information Object

R16_Is_Incorporated_In op


This property states that an E73 Information Object is incorporated in an INT16 Segment like e.g. a F22 Self-contained Expression or an INT1 Text Passage in an INT16 Segment of an F24 Publication Expression.

Domain Information Object
Range INT16 Segment c

R25_Has_Segment op

Domain Publication Expression
Range INT16 Segment c

R25_Is_Segment_Of op

Domain INT16 Segment c
Range Publication Expression

R10_Has_Text_Passage op


Links a work or an expression (ideally: a F24 Publication Expression) to a INT1 Text passage from that text, e.g. the book with the ISBN 978-0307278630 to a passage on page three of this book.

Domain Information Object
Range INT1 TextPassage c

R10_Is_Text_Passage_Of op


Links an INT1 Text Passage from a text to that text (work or expression, ideally: a F24 Publication Expression), e.g. a passage on page three of the book with the ISBN 978-0307278630 to that book.

Domain INT1 TextPassage c
Range Information Object

R12_Has_Referred_To_Entity op


Links an INT3 Intertextual Relationship to the entity referred to in the intertextual relationship (a text on any ontological level or a feature actualized in the text in question).

Sub Property Of intro:R24_has_related_entity op
Domain INT3 Intertextual Relationship c
Range Information Object c or frbroo:F1_Work c or INT2 Actualization of Feature c or intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c

R12_Is_Referred_To_Entity op


Links the referred tp entity (a text on any ontological level or a feature actualized in a text) to the INT3 Intertextual Relationship it is a part of.

Sub Property Of intro:R24_is_related_entity op
Domain intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c or Information Object c or INT2 Actualization of Feature c or frbroo:F1_Work c
Range INT3 Intertextual Relationship c

R13_Has_Referring_Entity op


Links an INT3 Intertextual Relationship to a referring entity (a text on any ontological level or a feature actualized in the text in question).

Sub Property Of intro:R24_has_related_entity op
Domain INT3 Intertextual Relationship c
Range intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c or INT2 Actualization of Feature c or Information Object c or frbroo:F1_Work c

R13_Is_Referring_Entity op


Links the referring entity (a text on any ontological level or a feature actualized in a text) to the INT3 Intertextual Relationship it is a part of.

Sub Property Of intro:R24_is_related_entity op
Domain Information Object c or intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c or frbroo:F1_Work c or INT2 Actualization of Feature c
Range INT3 Intertextual Relationship c

R18_Actualization_Found_On op


Links an INT2 Actualization of Feature to the text (on any ontological level) or another INT2 Actualization of Feature it is found on. (Actualizations found on actualizations - in cases where, e.g., the actualization of the feature "Individual Character" can be read as the actualization of the feature "Character Type".)

Domain INT2 Actualization of Feature c
Range INT2 Actualization of Feature c or Information Object c or intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c or frbroo:F1_Work c

R18_Shows_Actualization op


Links a text (on any ontological level) or an INT2 Actualization of Feature to an INT2 Actualization of Feature found on it. (Actualizations found on actualizations - in cases where, e.g., the actualization of the feature "Individual Character" can be read as the actualization of the feature "Character Type".)

Domain INT2 Actualization of Feature c or Information Object c or intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c or frbroo:F1_Work c
Range INT2 Actualization of Feature c

R17_Actualizes_Feature op


Links the specific INT2 Actualization of Feature to the (abstract concept of the) feature it actualizes, a INT4 Receptional Entity.

Domain INT2 Actualization of Feature c
Range INT4 Receptional Entity c

R17_Feature_Actualized_In op


Links the INT4 Receptional Entity, the feature, to an INT2 Actualization of Feature (that is itself linked to a specific text).

Domain INT4 Receptional Entity c
Range INT2 Actualization of Feature c

wasDerivedFrom op

Is Defined By W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)

The more specific subproperties of prov:wasDerivedFrom (i.e., prov:wasQuotedFrom, prov:wasRevisionOf, prov:hadPrimarySource) should be used when applicable.

Sub Property Of was influenced by op
Domain Entity c
Range Entity c

atLocation op

Is Defined By W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)
  • The Location of any resource.

  • This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See PROV-O OWL Profile.

Domain Activity c or Instantaneous Event c or Entity c or Agent c
Range Location c
Information Object c frbroo:F1_Work c INT2 Actualization of Feature c intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c Information Object c frbroo:F1_Work c INT2 Actualization of Feature c intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c Information Object c frbroo:F1_Work c INT2 Actualization of Feature c intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c Information Object c frbroo:F1_Work c INT2 Actualization of Feature c intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c Information Object c frbroo:F1_Work c INT2 Actualization of Feature c intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c Information Object c frbroo:F1_Work c INT2 Actualization of Feature c intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c Information Object c frbroo:F1_Work c INT2 Actualization of Feature c intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c Information Object c frbroo:F1_Work c INT2 Actualization of Feature c intro:INT6_ArchitextualEntity c Activity c Agent c Entity c Instantaneous Event c

Datatype Properties

R41_Has_Location dp


Defines the location of an INT16 Segment in e.g. a F24 Publication Expression, e.g. by giving page or paragraph numbers.

Domain INT16 Segment c
Range xsd:string

R44_Has_Wording dp


Links an INT1 Text Passage to a data string providing the exact wording of the text passage.

Domain INT16 Segment c or INT1 TextPassage c
INT16 Segment c INT1 TextPassage c




c Classes
p Properties
op Object Properties
dp Datatype Properties

made by p y LODE 3.1.3 with the OntPub profile

Table of Contents